Monday, May 26, 2008

First Shirtless Pool Party Since Turbulence Training...

Happy Memorial day!! And thanks to all who serve and put their lives on the line for us. This is their day!!

We went to a great pool party yesterday at our good friend's the O'Shea's. With busy lifestyles, kids, careers, we don't get to see these friend's as much as we would like to. We have seen them a couple of times since I started Turbulence Training, but yesterday was my first real test. Yes, the shirtless test. They have an awesome in ground pool we were in with the kids. Quickly Turbulence Training became the talk of the party. Everyone was asking what I do, and how can they do it. Some have already purchased Turbulence Training also, but haven't quite committed to the workouts and nutrition changes they need to make.

I discussed with them what I do, and that it really isn't very difficult. You just need to eat mindful, watch the calories, and do the workouts 3X a week. Everyone seemed very impressed with my results. In fact, one wife said to her husband, "you need to do what Jim is doing".

It was great to get that type of feedback, and that kind of support.

Click Here for Turbulence Training

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