Saturday, April 5, 2008

Bodyweight 501 Completed...

Today was the BW501 Challenge. I don't know why, but I always get really nervous before these Saturday challenges. I actually think I may make the workouts more difficult on my self by actually psyching myself out. Anyways, I finished in 27 minutes. It was extremely difficult, but not as hard as the 500. Maybe I'm just in that much better shape too.

My plateau has ended also. I'm down 2 pounds from last week and feeling great. I didn't hit my goal this week of getting below 180, but I'll get there. This weekend is tough too with dinners, parties to go to, and I'm sure the alcohol will be flowing. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, diet is by far the most difficult part of any transformation. Although, I will say that it has gotten easier to turn down junk food more and more. I did have a cheat meal last night of a Fish Fry, beer battered with french fries and potato pancakes. It actually didn't taste as good as I thought it would. I should be able to eat pretty clean the rest of the weekend.

Have a great weekend!!

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