Monday, April 7, 2008

Bodyweight Workout & Crazy Weekend...

Tough crazy weekend. First I did the BW501 Challenge on Saturday. Of course, these Saturday challenges always kick my butt and this one was no different.

Threw a great party Saturday night for my mom's 70th B-Day. Had family in from New Orleans, Florida and various places in the state. Was a huge surprise for my mom, and a great time. Drank a bit too much beer, but actually ate pretty clean. Yesterday was a rough day for eating. First, a bit hungover so I am always craving carbs on hangover days. Then my wife bought bakery for the house for all the realtives that were staying with us. We cooked brats out on the grill, had some chips, and finished the day off with some leftover birthday cake. Ughhhh....this is why the scale was showing a 3 pound gain this morning. No worries though. I know this is only a minor set back. I wil have that 3 pounds gone by the end of this week, as well as another pound hopefully by next Monday. I am still about 10 pounds away from my goal weight.

So, I posted on the TT forums today how I have been getting some negatives vibes and comments from some family members regarding my new healthy lifestyle. Now, there have been several positive comments as well, but sometimes I feel like a bit of an outsider when they make a comment or give me a look of "why are you doing this". I suspect this will be short lived as this becomes more and more of a lifestyle change for me rather than just a FAD.

I really have all the support I need from my wife who has been absolutely awesome thru all of this. While she is doing the TT for Women, she compliments me all the time on how proud of me she is for what I have accomplished so far. She always thinks she needs to lose weight, but I think she is just fine, beautiful inside and out. And she understands the health concerns I have with my family history. A dad dead at 69, and me with my thyroid pushing my cholesterol and blood pressure to borderline high levels. But since starting the Turbulence Training programs, I now have very healthy levels for my BP, Cholesterol, tryglicerides, blood sugar, everything is great, and I hope they will get even better. These were really the numbers i was looking for. I achieved my goals in that area, now everything else will just be a bonus. I would certainly like to have the 6 pack by summer, and I'm not far off. I just really need to push thru this next level and work hard at it.

Click Here For Turbulence Training

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